Category Archives: Blogs

#fiveadaychallenge Day 1

#fiveadaychallenge Day 1

I am doing a little Spring cleaning in my closet and I am challenging everyone to join me. Everyday I am taking five things that I no longer wear for one reason or another and getting rid of it. Later this week I will share a great organization where you can donate your unwanted clothes.…MORE

#Whatsthe411: Top 10 Signs You’re Not A Morning Person

#Whatsthe411: Top 10 Signs You’re Not A Morning Person

Full disclaimer: I’ve never been an early morning person. I can do mid-mornings well but ask me to wake up at 5am and I will look at you crazy like this: So with that, I will share the top 10 signs you may not be a morning person: Are any of these you?MORE

Learning To Love Ourselves

Learning To Love Ourselves

The struggle is real. I don’t think I am alone when I say I beat myself up about stupid things all day long. But what if we could quiet the voices, and love ourselves, without judgement? I recently stumbled upon a passage in a book that helped with that. Let me share it with you.…MORE



Public speaking expert, speech coach and TEDx speaker Christina Helena says to build trust, avoid these words and phrases that make people question your credibility and respect you less: “Um”This is the most common crutch word. It suggests that you’re unprepared, lack confidence, or at loss of what to say next. “In all honesty”People use…MORE



Can’t move on from your last relationship? Why not take some advice from Life Coach and blogger, Brigid Bishop:MORE

#Whatsthe411: 10 Things That Aren’t Designed for Women, But Should Be

#Whatsthe411: 10 Things That Aren’t Designed for Women, But Should Be

Today is International Women’s Day . . . so it’s a good time to revisit things that were apparently NOT designed with women in mind. People on social media are suggesting things that could be re-engineered to make them more comfortable and considerate to women.  Here are the highlights: 1.  Comfort and safety in cars.  Seatbelts that…MORE



(Cosmopolitan) Pay attention the next time your man or a hot stranger checks you out. The first place his eyes land reveals key information about his personality, according to the latest scientific findings: BreastsHe is sexually adventurous. New research found that men who were most attracted to knockers were also most open to casual hookups.…MORE

#Whatsthe411: We Spend Nearly Four Hours a Day Trying to Look More Attractive

#Whatsthe411: We Spend Nearly Four Hours a Day Trying to Look More Attractive

The time you spent getting ready today is only part of this:  A new study found the average person spends almost FOUR HOURS A DAY trying to look more attractive.  That’s a sixth of your life, or a quarter of your waking hours. Obviously you’re not spending four hours on make-up, or choosing your outfit. …MORE

The, I Wish I Was In A Book Club, Book Club

The, I Wish I Was In A Book Club, Book Club

“Our Last Days In Barcelona” I have always wanted to be in a book club. But for one reason or another, it just hasn’t worked out. So I decided to post about the books I have read. If you have too and would love to talk about them, let me know! I would love to…MORE

#Whatsthe411: Lies men and woman tell

#Whatsthe411: Lies men and woman tell

When it comes to lying, men are far more likely than women to tell a fib — and may not even feel guilty about it! That’s the word from a poll of 3,000 people taken by the British Science Museum in London. The number one lie men tell is “I didn’t have that much to…MORE


It’s Time To Stamp Out Hunger

It’s Time To Stamp Out Hunger

Did you get your Blue Bag in the mail this week? Here’s what we are going to do. Take that bag and fill it up with non-perishable food items. Then on Saturday, May 11th, leave the bag by the mailbox. Postal workers will come by and grab them. Everything will be donated to the Roadrunner…

Fur Babies In Need!

Fur Babies In Need!

Meet our Fur babies of the Week! ID# A1890510 –  Winnie is a 2 year old, Tan, American Pit Bull Terrier mix. Winnie is a tripod with a heart of gold! She is great on leash, knows “sit”, takes treats gently and LOVES to play with other dogs.  Winnie is a special tripod pup but she does not…

Mental Health Awareness Month: OCD & Anxiety in Kids

Mental Health Awareness Month: OCD & Anxiety in Kids

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. As adults, we are all going through something. But so are our children. What exactly is OCD and Anxiety and how does it differ? What happens when you start to see certain behavior in your child and you are not sure where to turn? I sat down with Natasha…

New Doc Coming To Investigation Discovery

New Doc Coming To Investigation Discovery

Are you obsessed with documentaries on true crime like I am? Well let me tell you, there is a new one about to start on ID that looks so good. People Magazine Investigates Surviving A Serial Killer. I had a chance to talk with People’s Alicia Dennis, and this doc sounds like it is going…