#Whatsthe411: Things not to do on a first date

According to a survey by Colgate toothpaste, 79 percent of singles spend a 47 minutes getting ready for a first date. That includes both men and women. 42 percent admit that they like to believe each date is a chance to meet “the one.” Additionally, 40 percent of singles say smoking is a deal-breaker for romance, while 5 percent refuse to go out on a second date with someone who insists on answering his or her cell phone during the first.

Here are the things that Men’s Health says guys shouldn’t say or do on a first date.

  1. Don’t tell her how much money you make; sell your personality, not your susceptibility to extortionist divorce settlements.
  2. Don’t get drunk. You look stupid, and you say stupid things.
  3. Do not attempt to rub knees unless you’re getting serious signals. These do not include, yawning, blinking, or wearing a skimpy top.
  4. Don’t say her “chi is stalled.” New Age men make great yoga instructors. That doesn’t mean she wants to sleep with one.
  5. Do not use the word “proactive” unless she’s specifically told you of her mad attraction to motivational speakers.
  6. Do not refer to your “issues” unless she’s specifically told you of her mad attraction to men in analysis.
  7. Don’t dress creatively. On a first date, she needs reassurance that you’re normal. Prove you’re a “funky guy” some other time.
  8. Don’t give everything away, especially on the family/ex-girlfriend tragedy front. a) You’ll need something to talk about on the second and third dates. And b) there’s a very real chance she may never return from the ladies room.
  9. Avoid leaving your shirt unbuttoned to the naval. Imagination is a powerful thing.
  10. 10.Don’t go on and on about high school. There’s a certain kind of man for whom the mid-to-late teen years still factor as the most glorious period of his life. Chances are she is not interested in getting to know this man any better.
  11. Even if you’re curious, do not, under any circumstances, ask her if her breasts are real.
  12. If it was your idea to go out, it’s your responsibility to pick up the check. If it was hers, split it.
  13. Don’t wear dirty socks or underwear. (You never know)

I hope these help and you get that special someone before the weather gets cold again.


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